Message from the Dean Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Dean Faculty of Education
Engineering connects science with humanities by applying scientific principles for the advancement of the human race. A successful engineer understands the intricacies of science in general, while equally appreciating history and psychology. Engineering facilitates the meeting of the limited world of science with the limitless world of human talent and passion.
The populist view about engineering as just an education is not entirely true. A student of mathematics does not always become a mathematician, a student of history does not always become a historian, nor does a student of physics always become a physicist. Similarly, not all engineering students choose to pursue careers as engineers. Instead, they pursue a career that ties the sciences to the humanities.
An engineering education develops quantitative thinking abilities and problem-solving skills even in the face of incomplete knowledge. Engineering is an essential and liberal education for our technologically-driven world. At Invertis, we strive to position our students on the global map by imparting extraordinary professionalism to succeed as innovators, communicators, project leaders, problem solvers and above all ethical citizens for the benefit of the global community.